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Tuesday, Jan. 21
Dr. Bollman purchases Madison Optical
Madison Optical might seem a little different, but not too much has changed. While Kim Kuechenmeister is still in the office, Dr. Jacob Bollman - who has been the optometrist for the past 11 years - has purchased the business in whole. Dr. Bollman grew up in Granite Falls, Minn., where...
Three LqP County deputies respond to shooting in Milbank
Three Lac qui Parle County Sheriff’s Deputies provided assistance at a nursing home shooting in Milbank Wednesday, Jan. 15. According to Lac qui Parle County Sheriff Allen Anderson, sheriff’s deputies Brian Benck, Chris Ronning and Eric Diekmann responded to the shooting at...
Halvorson set to take over as Madison Area Chamber president
Andy Thole presided over his final meeting as Madison Area Chamber of Commerce president as Val Halvorson prepares to take the gavel for 2025. Thole's last day at the head of the table was the January chamber meeting at The Sticks, and Halvorson will take over as president after being...
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